Tuesday, April 20, 2010

First Marathon Completed!

Well the six months of training finally paid off yesterday. I finished the 114th Boston Marathon in 4:08:32. I'm pretty happy with the results and the day was pretty amazing. Definitely unlike anything I've ever done. Considering Tina and I almost had baby #2 Saturday night, I was just happy to be out there on Monday. Pretty crazy weekend.

Got to see a few friends/family on the course. Thanks for being there, it meant a lot more than you can imagine. Really kept me going, especially after the Newton Hills.

Mile 16 - Morland - The two miles leading into mile 16 are sneaky tough. I knew Morland would be out looking so it gave me some motivation to keep pushing. Somehow he managed to yell loud enough for me to hear him from 3 or 4 hundred yards away. Quality stuff right there.

Mile 22 - Tina, Paul, Dave, Kim, Judy, Sue - Knowing you'd be there made me push through the hills and keep some sort of form so I would look good for you. If I ever do Boston again I'll make sure to have people there again.

Mile 25 - Jocelyn and Seth - This is where I was thinking, don't stop, don't stop. It was REALLY tough to keep moving. They yelled out and got my attention. I wasn't expecting to see them since they had tix to the Sox game. This was all I needed to keep moving since I didn't want to stop and have someone else I know see me walking.

Mile 26 - Jalby, Butzy, Chris, Ian - I didn't actually see them but they were at the corner of Boylston and Hereford. They also had tix to the game. Wish the Sox played better yesterday, but at least their performance got a few friends out on the course to see me.

Finish Line - Sarah - I didn't see Sarah either, but very happy she was able to see me cross.

Thanks to everyone who supported me over the past six months (Tina, Boston Partners, Coach Rick, everyone who donated). You helped make this once in a lifetime event happen for me.

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